Reviews for Everyone!!!

I have something to tell everyone. Especially all you artists. After my reviews on GOBLIN and Watch The Throne, I've gotten many requests from artists to review their mixtapes or EPs. And obviously, I do not fulfill those requests. I have my reasons. My main reason is that I stray away from reviewing mixtapes from underground artists because I don't want my review to discourage anyone from making music. If anyone has noticed, I go innnn on albums even if I like them. I realize though that an artist doesn't want me to do a review on their project for an extra feature on the blog but more for the honest feedback. I'm all for the growth of an artist and if my review can help an artist grow in the right direction, I'm all for it. 

So like I vowed to do on Twitter, I will do a review on every project that comes my way. Whether my review is a million words long or just a nice chunky paragraph, I promise to be honest as f*ck! Please don't take my review as shade. If anything, it's constructive criticism. Cause honestly, besides being a blogger, I'm just a random girl with internet access who listens to a shitload of music. Please don't hesitate to share your music with me! Reviews for everyone now!!!

Back to our irregularly scheduled program. 

'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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