Cudder Time! Press Edition!

This is gonna be a mega Cudder Time! Broski has been getting a lot of press lately. All over the magazine stands! His Complex cover issue just came out, he was in Nylon Men, now he got a URB Cover issue and on the cover of Paper magazine along with others such as Wale and Alexa Chung. The video above is an interview/behind the scenes video of Cudi on the set(s) of his URB photoshoot. I love Cudi interviews. He just seems like a real cool dude and is sooooo funny! Love him!

Here's some pics from the URB shoot Paper Magazine is celebrating their 25th anniversary and had the dope idea to feature some of the dopest 25 yr olds in the entertainment industry! What a cute idea! Mad they put the one black dude,Cudi, smack dab in the middle! lol Then again, I like that they did that, gives him the spotlight! lol The other Paper Mag cover got Wale and Alexa Chung on it. Cudi, Wale, and Alexa are the only ones I recongize in these covers! lol

'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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