
A pilot for a new series titled Twenties has hit the web! This show is about three black twenty-something year olds trying to get their shit together. It's created and written by Lena Waithe and produced by Queen Latifah, Shakim Compere, and Shelby Stone for Queen's Flavor Unit Productions. Four parts of their pilot are currently available on YouTube for our viewing pleasure.

Final-FUCKING-ly! A show that I can literally relate to and so far has the most accurate depiction of a young, black woman in this day & age. This first pilot centers around the character, Hattie who is lazy in some aspects yet determined in others. In the midst of trying to figure what she wants to do now and in the future, career wise, she has a whole lot of shit to work out emotionally. I see so much of myself and other young black women I know in this character alone! We don't even know about the other characters and how "accurate" their lives may be to the experience women like myself face everyday-but I'm already hooked! Where is episode 1 and the rest of the damn season?!

On other note, the cinematography and editing of this show is bomb! They went the fuck in! It's natural and refreshing yet has cool elements that truly add to the story. The acting is superb. The hair & wardrobe is on point in terms of being realistic. This show is so beautiful already, make a sister wanna cry tears of black pride. Lord knows I and so many others have been waiting for a show like this. Forget Orange Is The New Black & Girls, Twenties is going to be that new dopeness!

Check out part 2, 3, and 4 of the pilot below!
'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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