Mr.' Piercing Green Eyes'

Ok, I know a lot of people are kinda pissed off and offended by the blog post by someone over at, the one talking about sale packages for the new generation hip hop and their albums. And it was kinda mean, but I will admit, i was dying reading it! Can't take stuff so personal people! Lighten up! The one that i was like "c'mon, really?!" was Tyga's. That one was dumb and i didn't get the joke.

Anywho, here's the link to the post =D, once you read it, you'll see why i titled this post the way i did. lol

So guess what guys, my homie Drake is gonna be in a video!!! Yup, he will be in Chrisette Michele's video for her new single, Epiphany. Looks interesting....

They make a nice looking couple. I have a feeling that when i see this video, I might have a laugh or Love Drake!

'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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