I don't post nudity, but I DO post Dopeness.

Before you say or think anything-admit that these pics are ill! Ok, now hate. Honestly, after all these years of KanYe being an artist and basically an American icon, I still don't understand why people hate on him so much. Yes, he gets emotionally at times. Yes, he can be a little cocky and have an ego as big as Texas, but dude is ubber talented! Ubber multi-talented. Stop the hate and give the props. And for some reason, Amber Rose being in the shoot made people hate her more??? Why, like the homie J.Dot said,"What did she ever do to you?" If you read my blog on the daily, you already know I love Amber Rose. I feel like her and'Ye are a dope couple and she out there hustlin', leave her alone! She ain't after ya man or ya money. I bet she's a dope person to be friends with. Stop judging other people because I know you don't want anyone to do that it you. But as a straight female...I do kind wish she wore some clothes in the pic, but I guess her nudity was an art aspect to the shoot. Respect the Art, I'll shut up. Illy shoot though, shout out to photographer Steve Shaw!

'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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