Theory of Es: But Cassie IS Dope.
Not for me though. See when I really like a song, I really want to like the artist too and their other music, so I did my research. Cassie has some dope shit! Just One Night is my shit! To me, her first album was ill! R.Les did the damn thing with her! Production-ill, lyrics-ill, it was just overall good! Did she really get any props though?-no.
People feel that Cassie is a puppet for Ryan Leslie and Diddy. I could see why. She's not the best singer, nor the best dancer but when you some Leslie production and Diddy's name in the mix...something great happens! People need to stop frontin', yall know you like her music! I could care less if she slept with Diddy or Ryan or about the nude pics (I kinda wish she didn't though) or crazy hair cuts or whatever, this chick got something!Diddy might be a little crazy but he ain't dumb. He knew what he was doing when he signed her and invested money into her.
And honestly, I like that Cassie isn't the greatest singer. Think of her songs...if someone like Keyshia Cole or Jennifer Hudson did the songs Cassie does, it would be a trainwreck! Actually, something like this happened before. When Official Girl started to make rounds on the internet, there where two verisons. Cassie's and Karina Parisan's. That Karina has a voice on her, a beautiful one, but when she sang Official Girl-sonic boom like Kid Fury would say! lol I was like, "Oh child! Leave that to Cassie!"
Moral of the story is: Cassie isn't trying to be the best vocalist out! Listen to the music and forget about everything else, just listen. I did and that's why I can say- Cassie IS dope! Can't wait for the new album! Get it girl! *thinking* Now if we could just get rid of this Keri Hilson chick....
'Always More, Never Less'-Es