Death Of Autotune.

Jay-Z-Death of Autotune
Where do I begin with this track!This created such a stir last night on Twitter when it premiered on Hot 97. People were loving it, people hated it, but the majority of people were like,"It's's iight"including me. Is it exactly a comeback song for Hov?-hope not! Jay-Z really does not like this autotune thing! Remember in the remix to Jeezy's Put On, and in the beginning he was like,"T-Pain my shit too....Naw I don't need that shit" or something like that? Now he just wants to kill it. I highly doubt the autotune is gonna die right after this song because of all the success it has brought to artists like Weezy, KanYe, and of course T-Pain. Is Hov and T-Pain cool? Or is this some kind of indirect beef? Well the track is ok. KanYe and No I.D. killed it with the beat though. The chorus or whatever it was, was weak. Hov could of came harder but how hard can you get when the subject matter is autotune? Wear black and go to Autotune's funeral and enjoy ppl.

'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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