Discover of the Day:Krys Ivory

So today, I checked out herfection like I do every single day of my life and was introduced to a truly talented female artist by the name of Krys Ivory. I never heard of her before this but by my google results(Yes, I google), she's been around for a mintue! There was a video of her at a Ryan Leslie show performing her song, Next To Ya-which is hella dope! She is signed to Ryan's label Next Selection. I think good things are to come for Krys. She can actually sing and is beautiful and she's humble. Can't wait to hear more from her now that she's working with Ryan Leslie aka The Genius! She has a very heart felt story too. Legend potential?...we'll see, but so far so good!

Ryan Leslie introduces Krys Ivory
Here's the mp3 of her song produced by R.Les
Discovery of the Day brought to you by
'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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