Random Thoughts of Es.
*I really didn't want Vibe to die. Even though it did get wack after a while, I had hope it would get better and plus I always wanted to intern there. Guess I gotta try XXL now! Hate the Source.
*Soulja Boy catch phases are so '07. I only said POW like 5x. I refuse to say it after every sentence anymore....POW-just for old time sakes! lol
*Turning 19 this October. Really want a big ass event-not party, for it. Like my own concert or some shit. It would have to be at the Tabernacle in the ATL, have multiple acts, and raise money for a good cause. Sounds dope. Oh and of course, cupcakes for all! lol
*How da hell does one start their own clothing line? I have like the sickest idea for one. Really dope streetwear, women's and men's, for an affordable price. I have a marketing plan for it and everything!
*Recently, my sister made me promise her that I would never try to smoke weed....well if ma and pop don't chill out-Puff Puff Pass! lol just playing but weed does kinda smell good. Es, hugs not drugs! lol
*Some people on Twitter take the concept of Twitter so fucking literally. We don't have to know every single move that you make-geez!
*One of my least favorite brands is Bape. Out of all the stuff I've ever seen from them-I probably liked .1% of it.
*More artists need to come and do shows in the A!
*Why da fuck does it cost so much to get an artist to perform some where. Long time ago, I wanted to book Chris Brown-shit would have cost the school $15k! I could go to college with that kind of money.
*I would love to work at a dope PR firm in the A...but is there any dope PR firms in the A?
*I would rather work for Russell Simmons than Diddy any day! Uncle Rush might be crazy and cuss a lot and yell but he doesn't make you do stupid shit like carry his day bag full of apple sauce and toothpicks.
*What real man has a day bag?
*Working out is a bitch, but right after is heaven!
*I use to want to own my own record label but the way this industry is looking like...nawwwww.
*I'm sick of rappers getting tatted up every 5 seconds.....I can't to see yall on ya 80th birthday and laugh at ya dumb ol inked ass!
*I want to meet everyone I ever talked to online and see if they are just as nice in person...highly doubt it! lol
*Ummm what the fuck is moonfruit?
*I dream of the day KanYe blogs about my blog...then I can truly say I made it! lol
*Funny how I like all of the Freshmen 10 when the XXL issue came out and now I only like *counting* 5 of them. Stopped liking some cause of their attitudes, others cause they are just crazy, others for racial comments, and others because...well we forgot about ya ass!
*I'm such a random girl.
Oh and I ended not going with my mom. Instead I went to the gym with Erica aka Phive'10. Great workout...there only a bunch of middle aged men in there-eww! lol Out!
'Always More, Never Less'-Es