Sweet Dreams.
Probably my favorite track off the whole I Am...CD. When it first leaked like two years ago (well it felt like it was two years ago. I heard it in high school, I'm in my 2nd year of college!), it was leaked as Beautiful Nightmares, I like the title better. Even though it still has that Beyonce in the middle with two chicks on the side theme going on, it's still a very dope video. And it one of the very few videos that match up to the vision that I had in my head when I listen to this track. Like if I had to do the video for this, it would probably be very similar to this one. Dope shit Bey! Love it! Makes up for that boring Ego video! Have a beautiful nightmare and enjoy! Oh, and Bey looked very nice in the video...as usual! lol
'Always More, Never Less'-Es