And the Best Rapper Alive is....

FYI: From G's to Gent's is one of my favorite shows EVER! I've watched every single episode from both seasons at least...4x each. Yeaaa I love it! Word to Mr.Bentley! Great show! Very positivity and inspiring...also funny as hell! lol

My favorite rapper EVER (sarcasam alert ahead) is Riff Raff!!!! He was on season 2 on From G's to Gent's. He graced our tv screens with his colorful corn rolls and iced out grills. Although many of us had not a clue on what he was saying, we all loved his country charm! And yes people, he raps! And he is the shit! Sorry Rich Hil, Wordspit, Donnis, Drake, Kid Cudi, XV, Pac Div-I have a new love and he is Riff Raff...

PSYCHHHHHH! This is hi-larious! Mad his homboy touched his face to point out R.R's side pause. lol But this is funny! I didn't even know dude was on Youtube like that. I need to watch more of him. Enjoy his fuckery! H-Town...stand up-this is alllll youuuu! lol

'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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