Tall Girls Don't Dance.
"Not everyone can be like us!"-daddyFamojure. Yup, that's what my daddy said! And he's right! I'm not the only dopegirl in my family, as a matter of fact, I learned how to be dope from the original dopegirl herself, my sister, Erica! Yes, if you have been reading my blog for the longest, you know of my older sister Erica and she has made a few appearances on my blog as well. So guess what suckas! SHE HAS A BLOG NOWWWWW!!!! And it's dope as hell! It's a little more reading and I hate reading like that but her posts are hilarious and informative. ...Like Erica herself. So when you're done getting your musical fix from my blog, head on down to Tall Girls Don't Dance and "enjoy you self!" lol
'Always More, Never Less'-Es
Check out Tall Girls Don't Dance
Follow her on Twitter at http://twitter.com/missjure!!!
We run this!!!! lol