Pic of the Day.
I love Beyonce. I may not like her sometimes but I still love her. She is uber talented and natural and humble as hell. I came across this pic of her and just had to but it on my blog! Reminds me of one of my favorite American icons, Marilyn Monroe. And if you follow me on Tumblr, you know I am quite obsessed with Monroe and I love it!
It's always nice to see the famous as like normal people and not all posing and caked up on and all that Hollywood crap. Beyonce looks genuinely happy in this pic. With all the success and love she has gotten over the years, she should be. =D
'Always More, Never Less'-Es
It's always nice to see the famous as like normal people and not all posing and caked up on and all that Hollywood crap. Beyonce looks genuinely happy in this pic. With all the success and love she has gotten over the years, she should be. =D