Brand new video from Australian born, LA residing emcee Iggy Azalea! I've been watching her for a while and always thought she was good. After watching this video, I think I forgot about any females emcees out right now. Who is Nicki Minaj? Iggy is a beast! A beautiful one at that, no homo. Her freestyles on youtube were tight but this track right here-illy!!! She killed it! And the video? Let's talk about the video. The beginning with her and the grandma and the cereal is too epic! I can't handle it! Pussy power was turnt up to the maximum is the most subtle way in this video. I have this video on repeat, no lie. Iggy is the truth! Please don't let me down like every other female emcee seems to do after one dope song. Iggy saves us!!! Lol This shit is amazing! Love it!
For more Iggy Azalea, peep: