New EP from Hodgy Beats titled...well it's Untitled! Lol The best emcee in OF (in my opinion) gets on some production from The Alchemist, Theolonious Martin, Juciy J, and more! Yesssssssssss, so happy this is out! And to think I would have to wait for MellowHype's Numbers to drop for some Hodgy dopeness! Totally didn't see this coming but I'm glad it came. All I can say about this EP is that it's the incredible Hodgy Beats doing what he fucking does best on some dope ass production. And that you just need to click the link and download it. Asap... no Rocky. It's a short project, but it's needed. The OF Tape Vol. 2 drops in March and MellowHype's Numbers is due out this summer. Enjoy!!!