
New album from Detroit's own Nolan The Ninja titled NinjaTown! After a long wait, Nolan delivers the 10 track album with features from Phil Fresh, CG Everyday, and B-Nix! The entire project was produced by Nolan himself. 

This project was definitely worth the wait and I'm glad Nolan took his time to make this project amazing. He managed to bring a sense of nostalgia with something that is brand new. NinjaTown is laced with that signature energy of Nolan's and true lyricism. This album is a true gem in this day and age of Hip Hop and Nolan is not the kind of artist you want to look over. Like I always say, Hip Hop isn't dead, she just lives underground, and apparently, she made a visit in NinjaTown. GET INTO THIS!!!

Nolan The Ninja's NinjaTown LP
9.5/10 dope points

'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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