
New LP from Pyramid Vritra titled Pyramid! After releasing 4 previous projects, this LP is his 5th release and his first full album. Features include KC 2.0, Matt Martians, Syd Tha Kyd/Frisco, Ethereal, Gary Wilson, SPEAK!, and more. 

The music of Pyramid is described as, "whimsical, dreamy, technical, simi-lethargic, experimental anger pop." Which is the perfect description for this. This album definitely puts you into another zone,-or planet. While listening to this LP, I felt like I got lost in a malfunctioning 80s video game well some funk music was playing in the background. And I like it. The overall feel and vibe to the project is dope and it's great music to just chill to. The music was well executed which goes to show how dope the artists of OF are and how serious they are about making good music. I will say, this might not be for everyone. But for those who have an eclectic ear or looking for a new sound to bring to their iTunes, you might wanna download this latest LP from Pyramid Vritra.

Pyramid Vritra's Pyramid LP
8.5/10 dope points
'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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