Madeaux EP.

New self titled EP from producer, Madeaux! Its a 4 track EP with all new mixes! I'm TOO excited for some new Madeaux in my life! When I saw the email he sent me, I literally jumped and dropped my phone. Madeaux really picked up from where he left off with his track, Circe, that was on No Shade: 3rd Summer last year. He has managed to keep his signature "deep within the ocean" sound, yet give his music a breath of fresh air. There's a new energy to his mixes and I love it! I'm yet to hear anything from him that I just didn't fuck with. I can't wait for him to make some original tracks with artists. I just hope that they are able to compliment the greatness in his work with their own greatness. Gonna have this EP on repeat-LOVE IT! Check it out and enjoy!

For more Madeaux, check out:

'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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