Not Ordinary.

Hailing from New Orleans, emcee Marty Mard recently released the video for his song, Not Ordinary. Video was directed by Anthony Leslie of Equator Productions. Marty Mard takes his Southern roots to the streets of NYC for the video while surrounded by his crew, cool chicks, and a group of groomsmen who seem to have lost their way to a wedding. 

This is my first encounter with the N.O. emcee but apparently he has been making quite a name for himself especially after his successful video, Hoes & Chains, that dropped last year. Haven't heard too many artists making noise from New Orleans lately but I think Marty Mard may be the one to change that. 

He brings the essence of Southern rap in a new, clean cut package. His flow is slick and his lyrics go in. His style is flashy without being excessive. His music is what I like to call "luxury rap" and I've used this term while describing Saudi Money's music before. It's just a really dope twist on a high end, sophisticated lifestyle with a hood/urban aspect to it. But in simpler terms, Marty Mard is dope and quite fascinating to watch. I think I just found another favorite artist of mine. 

He's gearing up for the release next project, Bayou Baller, so look out for that! And check out another visual of his, New Orleans Saint!

For more Marty Mard, check out:
'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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