When I graduated high school, I was full of ambition and wanted to be as successful as possible. My theme song for my whole collegiate career was KanYe's Can't Tell Me Nothing and it was so perfect for my attitude towards my career and life in general. Now that my college years are coming to a close and I have accomplished a few impressive things, I felt like I needed a new song to represent my revised attitude. And a few days ago, I found it.

Was listening to a mix and this song by Canadian emcee, SoulerXX titled ID came on- I had a moment. The hook is perfect for me and anyone who is out here working their ass off and people think you have reached your success limit. But the fact of the matter is, you haven't really even started yet and there is so much you are capable of. This is our anthem. So I had to dig a little into Soundcloud to find this artist and song and once I did, I had it on repeat for hours.

SoulerXX is an interesting artist. Definitely doesn't give off the typical Canadian Hip Hop vibe, maybe cause he's not from Toronto. I will definitely check out more of his work and will be on the lookout for future releases of his but I will forever love him for ID. I got a new anthem... this is important. Enjoy!

For more SoulerXX, check out:
'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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