Work the Middle.

When it comes time for the next presidential election, I'm totally writing in Lil Debbie's name for president. People be thinking I'm playing when I say that I love her. And with her latest single, Work the Middle, my love for her couldn't be any more real. Directed by Joe Dietsch and Louie Gibson, the video follows suit with other visuals from Debbie as they all show a fun and quirky side to her.

I particularly like this song from her because I can clearly hear that she is becoming a better rapper. Her flow is not insane and her lyrics are not so complex, but I can tell she is understanding how she can work with the production and be herself when making music.

And people will always hate on her because she is this petite white girl from Cali. But unlike other rap artists who don't exactly fit the typical rapper mold-Lil Debbie clearly understands who she is, where she is from, and is not afraid to be herself. She is not out here trying to be something she is not whether it comes to her music or appearance. And because of that, I love and respect her. And I love her take on that bit from Aaliyah's Rock the Boat.

Lil Debbie for President 2016.

For more Lil Debbie, check out:
'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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