Fucking Young.

Tyler is back! Yesterday was a big day for Tyler, the Creator with the release of his new venture, GOLF Media. GOLF Media is a magazine and a mobile app that Tyler describes as, "basically my brain in one place." You can subscribe to the magazine and get the app now!

On the app, Tyler released his new video, Fucking Young! It's off his forthcoming album, Cherry Bomb. Tyler continues to let us experience his emotions and enter his wild imagination with this video. There's a lot going on but it's so dope and beautifully done, you just go along with it.

The song itself is interesting. He is literally telling a girl that she is too young for him. You don't hear this being talked about in music too often. Men/boys usually don't see an issue with it, so it's interesting that out of all people, it's Tyler talking about it. The song is really dynamic as well. It feels like you're on a rollercoaster listening to it-but rollercoasters are fun! And I can totally hear Charlie Wilson (who I love!) throughout this song. Thought I heard Pharrell too.

And that bit of song we got at the end of the video is so N.E.R.D... In Search Of era. Which makes sense because he literally says that album in the song. But as soon as it started, N.E.R.D popped up in my head. And I think it's cool. It's N.E.R.D. but Tyler, the Creator style.

I could go on for days about Tyler and OF as a whole. Been a fan since '09, so I'm down with whatever they do musically. I'm excited for this new album. Tyler is older, has been able to marinate in success a bit, the music will be interesting.

To subscribe to GOLF Media, visit: subscribe.golfwang.com

Cherry Bomb drops 4.13.15!

For more Tyler, the Creator, check out:
'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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