Quickie: Gueringer the 13th's PMI EP.

All hail Gueringer the 13th and his glorious new EP, PMI! He pays homage to his hometown of Pontiac, Michigan with rapid flows and trippy, chill production. Listening to this project feels like I was on a road trip in the Midwest when randomly the sky started changing colors, the clouds were results of kush burning, and the weather became perfect. As my car started to cruise, I was allowed to take in my surroundings in pure bliss. And in that moment, I was in PMI.

Ever since I first pressed play on this EP, it's been on repeat. I'm literally in the office hitting that Bobby Shmurda jig like no one's business. To think that this was a project to hold the people over till Gueringer drops his album, Clifford, makes me even more excited for that project to drop.

So with all of that said, you might want to do yourself a favor and get into PMI! Enjoy the ride, thank me later.
For more Gueringer the 13th, check out:

'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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