Spotify's Found Them First.
Anyone who knows me knows I love me some Spotify! And for good reasons because not only are you able to stream full albums and more from your favorite known artists, but they make it super easy and fun to discover new artists on the rise.
A lot of the artists I listen to religiously now, I discovered through Spotify and their curated playlists, which they have thousands of. So Spotify probably realized this and found a way to please the inner snotty hipster in all of us. You know the part of you that always feels the need to tell people you were listening to an artist before everyone else was. That one.
Spotify's Found Them First is fairly simple. It's a site you log into with your Spotify login and it goes through your Spotify playing history to see what artists you discovered before they made it big. Once it does, it generates a list of those artists, let's you know when you first listened to each artist and what percentage of their first listeners you are in.

I think FTF is a super dope idea and it's cool for the listeners to know who they helped to get the level of mainstream stardom. Another feature of FTF is you get to tweet the artist and let them know you were one of their first listeners. I mean Spotify is not only giving listeners some cool data about their listening ways but also helping the artists get to know their "early adapters" and solidify their fanbases as they blow up.
I got 14 artists that I "found first" but if I want to get my numbers up, FTF creates a customized playlist for you called Find Them Next, were they include artists on the verge of their breakthrough who you might become a fan of. And I just have to say that my Find Them Next playlist is pretty on point.
I'm all for this and I can't wait to check in with FTF every now and then and see what other artists I was up on before the world was singing their praises.
To see who you discovered through Spotify first, check out: