Because that girl is now this woman...

Shine 2 by DAWNOKORO

Well hi there! Long time, I know. And I know, you're sick of my "comebacks"-I am too. But my long drawn hiatuses are for good reason. Growth. I started this blog at the tender age of 17 and I poured so much of myself into it and all my other offline entertainment endeavors that I lost the true essence of Es Famojure. So I took time off to find that essence of self, found it, and here we are.

Hopefully, you follow me on social media so you could see that I haven't been completely off the grid. In fact, I've been quite active. My career and personal life have taken some interesting and exciting turns. I've been successful, I've failed. I've been challenged, I've been rewarded. Basically, I've been living life as best as a 20 something year old black working professional in the South can. And yes, all those details are important.

This blog will evolve with me. I want this blog to display, and celebrate in a way, the complexity of Es Famojure. There will still be plenty of music on here because I always have an opinion about it-all of it. Yet, there will be some other topics discussed on here, such as business & innovation, film, spirituality, relationships, -maybe even politics. I want to talk about it all. My voice, my experience is unique enough to talk about it all and still not fit a basic ass mold of another chick with a blog.

So let's not see this as a comeback but as a new chapter. The story continues, keep reading.

Find me, then follow me on Twitter, Instagram, & Snapchat: EsFamojure
'Always More, Never Less'-Es


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